"From the fullness of grace we have received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Our First Christmas as a family of FIVE!

November - Landon & I celebrated 3 years

October - Girls all dressed up to "trick or treat"!

September - My big girl turned TWO!

August - This picture was taken on my birthday...I had the sweetest girls there to celebrate with me!

July - These days were filled watching sweet, sleeping babies

June - Our first picture of our family of 5. This was the day we got to meet TWO sweet baby girls.

May - 1st swim of the year!

April - Easter

March - Baby Shower for the twins! Shortly following this weekend, I was placed on bed rest. The next few months were filled with lots of rest, and many prayers!

February - Celebrating Valentines day at the Melting Pot

January - Brooke's first snow...not a fan!
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